eBird Challenge 2020

eBird Challenge 2020: Birds Connect Our World

Haven’t tried eBird yet?  This citizen science tool supports greater knowledge of bird populations and helps users to track their findings and develop their birding skills. 

Here’s the challenge — if you haven’t tried it yet, now is your chance!  Bird Academy, through The Cornell Lab offers a free online course,  eBird Essentials to learn about the basics of using eBird.  It’s very accessible as you can use an app on a smartphone to track birds while you are birding, or you can access the tool online after you return home. 

Being able to track birds from a stationary location means you don’t need to leave home.  If you are able to be outdoors, please bird safely in a location that is open to the public while maintaining a social distance of 2m from others.

Share your experiences, share your sightings, share photos, or share your questions with our Niagara community of nature lovers in the co-hosted Facebook event page for Birds Connect Our World: Virtual Migratory Bird Day Celebration; a joint effort by the NPCA, Niagara’s 3 nature clubs, Birds on the Niagara and Niagara College. May 9 is World Migratory Bird Day.

Just as the birds migrate without seeing borders, Birds on the Niagara is a joint Canadian and American effort to connect and celebrate the birds around Niagara.  Check out a wealth of resources with videos and interviews on the Birds on Niagara website.


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