Natural Areas and Initiatives
Links to Natural Areas and Initiatives in the Niagara Region
Updates and Reports
Thundering Waters Forest
Thundering Waters Forest – what is now called Paradise Development. The owners of this area will be presenting a subdivision plan to council in the New Year. Our concern is no longer the subdivision, we concede that this land is lost to us; it is the portion of the property which currently is not available for development due to natural features. We do not have a great deal of trust in the owner’s ability or motivation to protect these areas due to problems in the past. I wrote to the owners hoping that they would agree to have these lands protected by donation or by having them managed by an agency such as the NPCA. They have not agreed. Now we are asking that the Niagara Falls Council not pass the plan of subdivision until wetlands and other natural areas are protected.
Letter to the Property Owners by Joyce Sankey
The Nature Club has quite a bit of history trying to save what was one of the largest urban forests in Ontario. Here is a letter from 1992. Unfortunately, Mr. Thompson did not vote to save the forest when it came to a vote in Niagara Falls Council in 2018.
ACTION: When this plan of subdivision comes before council, let us all be united in calling for the wetlands and other natural areas to be protected by an agency not connected to the developers.
Links to Regional Initiatives