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Contact us: niagarafallsnatureclub@gmail.com


Speaker Program

Speaker Program

September – May

Second Wednesday of every month.

Outings/Field Trips

Outings/Field Trips


Day trips and Annual weekend trip

Wednesday Walks

Wednesday Walks

May – September

Join us on a Wednesday Evening Walk


Niagara Falls Nature Club Waivers for in person events

Please take a few minutes to read carefully and then fill out the NFNC Release of Liability.

There are three waiver forms on our website. Members need only fill out the NFNC Release of Liability – one for each person, not family. If you have children who accompany you on outings or to meetings, please fill out an Addendum – Release of Liability for Minors for each child. These waivers only need to be filled out once each year. You can either sign them electronically and email them to niagarafallsnatureclub@gmail.com or print them, sign and bring them to the next outing or meeting that you attend. Please let us know if any information on your form changes.

The Non-member waiver is only for guests who will attend a single walk.

NFNC Release of Liability for Members

NFNC Release of Liability for Minors

NFNC Release of Liability for non members


Leaders, download the walk sign in form